
When I was 3 years old I received a Teddy Bear as a gift. At that time Puschkin Vodka was a famous party drink and so my Teddy was called Puschkin. But I called him most the time only Puschi. (Please click on the picture for enlargement!)

While living together with me, he also became interested into Ham Radio. First he listened as an SWL on the short wave bands, but later on he did his first QSOs in SSB, too.

During the time he learned morse code and so he could also QSO in CW.

Also on the VHF/UHF bands he was active by using my handy talky.

After having so many QSOs he needs to take care on the QSL cards.

He learned the technical background by reading Ham Radio magazines.

With this knowledge he helped me also during adjustment work.

He also supports the repairing work, but sometimes he missed to find the right tools.

He is always a good construction manager. But on this photo the hard hat seems a little bit to big for him.

It's easy for him to work with electrical tools.

During the time he learned to find everything in the different drawers.

Also he learned the usage of protective measures.

However, sometimes he get entangled with the cabeling ...

... but in the end he finds what he was searching for.

He follows the principle: „always try to get enlightened or at least turn a light on ...“

Like all real hams he needs to look outsite if the areal is still there.

After all work is finished he likes a good beer and even there his name says it all.

After such thrilling days even the strongest bear falls into sleep.

If you ever hear DB7BN on the bands listen carefully maybe it's Puschkin – hi.